Every Child’s Got Talent Surely, I know one may think otherwise but it is not far from the truth that every child has got talent. It is either the genius in the child is known or yet to be discovered. The worst in academic performance in a particular class may be the best in another area far from the immediate environment where the child accidentally found himself. So, that does not mean the child is a failure. Probably, the child is at the wrong place at the right time. However, Great Heights Academy seems to be like a professional painter who for the sake of having a masterpiece keeps all colours even though some are not his favourites. If every colour has a role to play in an excellent art work, therefore every child has a space to fill. The great institution takes every child with maximal seriousness in the sense that, the search light is beamed on finding the area of strength in every ward so as to amplify it to a...
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