What Colour are you ? Funny as the question might sound, but did you know that just as people vary in terms of height, weight, complexion, shape etc., they could be grouped into different ‘colours’ like blue , green , yellow or even red respectively based on their nature? Yes, colour in quote because it has so much to talk about. Notwithstanding, I know you cannot wait to know what colour you are. However, you need not to be in a hurry. After going through this analysis, you will get to know where you belong. It does not really matter whether you are a pupil/student, teacher, or parent whatever. The BLUES , to begin with, are liken to the ocean. Contrary to your default impression and assumption about them because they are introverts, they are laden with ideas, knowledge and solutions to problem. This is why they are blue- just like the ocean, which is stuffed with pearls, minerals and creatures, of different sizes and economic values that you can hardly see without div...