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Showing posts from September, 2015

Who is an Educated Child?

Who Is An Educated Child? Nowadays, people mistake the knowledge of ABC and 123 for what education is all about. It is a very wrong notion and as such most contemporary schools emphasize more on knowledge while all other aspects of education like social behavioral patterns and values such as respect, honesty, sharing, taking turn, culture and lots more are paid less attention or completely neglected. On this ground, despite all odds, Great Heights Academy singled out of the manifolds with a paradigm shift. Unlike other schools, here every aspect of education carry’s equal weight. Therefore, a child must acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and norms of the immediate society to be considered educated. Hence, the question ‘who is an educated child?’  According to Wikipedia, education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and norms of a group of people ar...

Never you say must....

ALWAYS SAY INSHAALLAH PROLOGUE It is advisable for whoever wants to say he shall do anything in the future to always start with  insha Allah  which means if Allah so wish. It is important to note that only Allah is the Doer and He alone can do independent of anyone as He is absolutely unstoppable. Should anyone say he shall do without saying  insha Allah  is trying to take Allah’s stance and surely Allah will prove him stoppable, because human beings holistically depend on Him. Hence, in a typical Hausa settings, Jegede- the major character of this play you are about to explore met his misfortune for foolishly thinking he can do independent of Allah. Anyway, Allah proved him wrong. Ride on and I hope you will enjoy it. Scene one Jegede:  (sitting on the mat, he keeps staring at his wrist watch and frowning his face) oooh! What is wrong with this woman ehe? She always delays my food. Now look at it. It’s almost late. Duduwa! Duduwa!!  Ke Duduwa!!...